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Ticket Location Size Requirements

Released: 2/15/24

Effective: 2/15/24

Maximum Ticket Sizes (Location policies)

  1.  1/2 linear mile maximum

    1.  Locations larger than 1/2 mile should be broken up into 1/2 mile segments at intersections when practical

    2. When intersections are not practical or available, footage will be used instead.  Example: Both sides of Main St from 1st St E/For 1/2 Mile

    3. Distance from road into property should be specified and cannot extend so far that it continues into properties that face other roads or into other roads completely

    4. Single addresses known as parcels that are bigger than 1/2 mile are exempt from this rule

    5. Locations in #2 are exempt from this rule

    6. Locations in #6 are exempt from this rule

  2.  2 linear mile maximum on freeways or railroad tracks

    1. Freeways are defined as a road that has on and off ramps

    2. Locations larger than 2 miles should be broken up into 2 mile segments at exits, milepost markers and/or cross streets when practical

    3. When exits, milepost markers and/or cross streets are not practical, footage will be used.  Example: Both sides of I-15 from Main St N/FOR 2 Miles

  3. Intermittent locations

    1. Intermittent locations are defined as street signs, power poles, trees, soil borings, etc

    2. If possible, the number of locations should be specified on the ticket and each location be marked and numbered (in white) in the field.  The number should correspond to the number of locations on the ticket.

    3. Locations that are technically intermittent but are very close to each other may be considered continuous and may be marked with starting and ending points

  4. County lines

    1. Locations that enter into more than one county must be broken up into one ticket per county

  5. Bounded areas

    1. Locations are limited to 1/2 square mile

    2. Locations within boundaries cannot contain any named public streets

    3. Internal roads, private roadways, private driveways, trails or other unnamed roads are exempt

  6. Farms

    1. Locations are limited to one square mile 

  7. Exceptions

    1. Center supervisory staff may allow exemptions to any rule when warranted by the project, location and/or circumstances

    2. All tickets that fall outside of these rules have been pre-approved by supervisory staff

    3. Existing tickets issued prior to the effective date above are grandfathered in and will not be re-done to comply with these rules

    4. Existing tickets where streets were not present when issued but after a map update appear are grandfathered in and will not be re-done to comply with these rules

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