SMS (Text Messages)
What is SMS?
SMS stands for Short Message Service but is commonly know as Text Messages. Although most phones today are not limited to 144 characters per text message SMS is not really "short" anymore. With the addition of MMS or MultiMedia Message Service, text messages now can be so much more. They can be longer than 144 characters, they can contain music, pictures, videos, links and so much more. Something most of us use every day of our life.
What are the options?
Great question. There is a lot of information you can receive from DigAlert instantly, at any time of the day and any day of the year. SMS notifications are sent to excavators that allow with confirmations of their DigAlert tickets as well as Electronic Positive Response (EPR) so you can stay up to date in the field at all times. In addition, you can text us to get information as well as start a conversations.
Sending us Text Messages
To use any of the following options please text the command to DIGALT (344-258)
Apps (Will return links for the DigAlert mobile apps in all the app stores)
Color Codes (Will return all APWA approved color codes and their meaning)
Email A123456789 YOUREMAILADDRESS (Will email the requested ticket to the specified email address)
ER A123456789 (Will return all available emergency contact information for members on the requested ticket)
Feedback MESSAGE (Will send us feedback that you may want us to know)
Help (Will return a standard message required by the carriers)
Holidays (Will return the next upcoming holiday that will affect the center and the legal notice)
Law (Will return a link to the current CA Government Code 4216)
More (Will return more options)
New Ticket (Will return a link to DigAlert Express to allow you to enter a new ticket online)
Options (Will return a list of popular options or commands available)
Stats (Will return if the center is open or closed, number of calls on hold and number of tickets completed for the day)
Ticket A123456789 (Will return details for the requested ticket and a link to view the entire ticket)
Presp A123456789 (Will return positive response details and a link to view all positive responses)
Update (Will return a link to Update Express to allow you to update one or all your tickets before they expire)
Vacuum A123456789 (Will return all available vacuum contact information for members on the requested ticket)
Website (Will return a link to our website)