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EPR Best Practices

Released: 10/29/24

Effective: 1/1/25


This page is intended to provide descriptions of each Electronic Positive Response (EPR) code and a set of example of when they should be used by members.  Following these best practices will not only ensure members are consistent as well as helping excavators understand what the member is communicating back to them.

While the best practice is a living document, it is important to remember that not every situation can be identified.  There will be cases where the member will have to use the best response available to them using all the information available at that time.

Response Code Definitions and Examples

001 : Clear - No conflict

Definition: The members lines are not in the area to be excavated.  This does NOT mean that the member doesn't have any line in the area.  A member may have lines near by, but based on the delineation and the location on the ticket, they are clear for that area.  If, for any reason the excavation area or type of work changes, the excavator MUST contact the notification center and get a new ticket issued for the changes.

When to use: ONLY when there are no underground facilities within the area of delineation and/or the location on the ticket.

003 : Existing markings adequate

Definition: The markings on site are reasonably visible and marked to the extent of the delineation and/or ticket location.  If, for some reason the excavation area or type of work changes, the excavator MUST contact the notification center and get a new ticket issued for the changes.

When to use: When the existing markings on site are complete and accurate.

004 : No markings requested

Definition: The excavator is asking certain members or all members not to mark.  The most common use the centers see for this is on emergency work where the job was completed but the excavator needs a ticket number to make the permit valid. 

When to use: ONLY when the excavator is not asking for any marks.

010 : Locate area marked

Definition: The area of delineation and/or the ticket location area has been marked completely and accurately.

When to use: After the entire area of delineation and/or the ticket location area has been marked completely and accurately.

014 : Partially marked - more time is needed

Definition: The area of delineation and/or the ticket location area has been partially marked.  Member needs more time to complete marking.

When to use: Member has been called away or needs more information to complete markings.  NOTE: this code does NOT close the ticket.

015 : Provided facility information to excavator (California Government Code 4216.3(a)(1)(A)(ii))

Definition: The member to the extent and degree of accuracy that the information is available, provides information to the excavator where the active or inactive lines are located.

When to use: Member does NOT locate and field mark their active or inactive lines but otherwise provides information to the excavator of where the lines are located.

016 : Operator has located and marked all subsurface installations known to be embedded in the pavement (4216.3 (e))

Definition: The member located and marked all known facilities embedded in the pavement.

When to use: When ONLY the embedded lines are marked.

020 : Bad address/incorrect street/location info - New ticket required

Definition:  Member cannot find the location on the ticket.  Excavator will need to contact center to correct location.  Additional time may be needed to complete marking.  If mapping changes a new ticket will need to be issued.

When to use: Member cannot reach excavator by communication methods available on ticket to request the excavator to clarify or correct the location.

021 : No access to locate area - Resend ticket requested

Definition: The member cannot access the area listed on the ticket due to a locked gate, fence or other hindrance (ex - dog in yard).  Excavator please provide access information or time when access to location will be available.  Additional time may be needed to complete marking.

When to use: Member cannot reach excavator by communication methods available on ticket and the area is inaccessible.

022 : No delineation (California Government Code 4216.2(a)) - Resend ticket requested

Definition: The area is not delineated as required by 4216.2(a).  Member has chosen not to locate and field mark until the area to be excavated is delineated.  Excavator needs to delineate the area where the excavation will take place and submit an amendment through the center when the area is delineated.  Additional time may be needed to complete marking.

When to use: The excavator has not delineated the area to be excavated.

031 : Requires stand-by at time of excavation - Contact facility owner

Definition: The member requires a representative to be on site while the excavation is taking place.  Excavator required to contact the member to set up date and time for the stand-by.

When to use: The member has marked BUT needs to also be on site during the excavation.

033 : High priority line in area - On Site Meeting Required (California Government Code 4216.2(e))

Definition: The member has a high priority line as defined in 4216(j) and is required to meet with the excavator and the member will contact excavator to set up an on site meeting.

When to use: Anytime a high priority line meeting is required.

034 : Field meet required - Contact facility owner to schedule

Definition: The member wants to meet with the excavator prior to excavation commencing.  Excavator needs to contact member to set up a meeting.

When to use: The member has NOT marked the lines and requires a meeting before excavation begins.

040 : Excavator completed work prior to due date

Definition: The job is completed before the member has marked their line.

When to use: The member did not mark as job was completed before the start date and time on the ticket.

041 : Excavator no-show for meet

Definition: The excavator and member agreed to a meet date and time and the excavator did not show.

When to use: After a meeting has been scheduled and the excavator did not meet with the member at the specified date and time.

042 : Excavator canceled request

Definition: The excavator cancels the ticket before the member has responded.

When to use: SYSTEM USE ONLY. ONLY to clear a ticket as having a response if a CNCL ticket is sent before the member has responded.

050 : Negotiated marking schedule (California Government Code 4216.3(a)(1)(A))

Definition: The member and excavator have mutually agreed to the sequence and time frame in which to locate and field mark

When to use: The member and excavator have discussed and agreed to a marking schedule.

051 : Mutually agreed to a later start date and time (California Government Code 4216.3(a)(1)(A))

Definition: The member and excavator have mutually agreed to a later start date and time for the excavation to begin.

When to use: The member and excavator have discussed and agreed to a new start date and time.

053 : Scheduled meet with excavator at requested date and time

Definition: The excavator has asked for a joint meet and mark on the ticket.  This code is designed to communicate to the excavator that your company will be present during the meet at the scheduled date and time and to avoid an automatic late notice since responses must be submitted prior to the legal date and time.

When to use: ONLY when you are confirming to be present at the scheduled meet date and time.

080 : Extraordinary circumstances exist - No locate due to weather/emergency/safety conditions

Definition: There are circumstances that make it impossible to locate the ticket prior to the legal date and time.

When to use: ONLY when there are weather, emergency or safety conditions that prevent marking from taking place.

998 : DigAlert Test Code - No Lines In Area (System use only)

Definition: DigAlert has test member codes that are used to test and monitor the system.  These codes are not "real" members and do not have any lines or facilities.  Since reports will show the number of no responses tickets with these codes are automatically responded with this internal code. 

When to use: Not available for use by the member.  This is a system generated response.

999 : Member did not respond by the required time (System use only)

Definition: The member did not respond to the electronic positive response system prior to the legal date and time. 

When to use: Not available for use by the member.  This is a system generated response.

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