Using Member Info
Member Info displays the contacts, ticket delivery destinations and a summary view of total tickets received by monthly for all member codes associated with your account.
How to use
Click on the “Member Info” link under the “Maintenance” column
A list of your member codes will appear. This information is read only, nothing on this form can be changed directly by you. To update any of the contact information, use the “Member Update Form” link on the main menu. To update where tickets are sent, please contact
Click on “Edit” to the left of the member code you wish to view.
The first page shows the main company information for the member code and a total of ticket received for the months listed at the bottom.
Click the “Delivery” link at the top to display the delivery information. When finished viewing the delivery information click the “Return to Member Maintenance” link at the bottom of the screen.
Clicking “Rules” at the top of the maintenance screen will display any rules attached to your member code. Again, click the “Return to Member Maintenance” link at the bottom of the screen.
Clicking “Contacts” at the top of the maintenance screen will list all the contact information we have for your member code by type. Clicking the “Edit” link to the right of the contact type will display all the contact information we have for that particular contact. To update this information, use the “Member Update Form” link on the main menu. Click the “Return to Member Maintenance” link at the bottom of the screen.
Clicking “Summary” at the top of the maintenance screen will list all the information we have about your member code. Click the “Return to Member Maintenance” link at the bottom of the screen.