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Using Ticket Search

Released: 12/15/04

Effective: 1/1/05

Ticket Search is used to find and/or print tickets that are on our system and were delivered to your member code within the last 3-4 months. Tickets older than 3-4 months will have been archived off the system and not be available. For tickets that have been archived or for certified copies you must submit a request for archived records here → Archive Record Request

The maximum date range you can search at one time is 7 days.

How to use

  1. Click on the Ticket Search link under the Tickets column.

  2. By default, the search dates listed in the Completed area are set to the current date. You may change these to reflect the date(s) you wish to search.

  3. To view all tickets for a single day, leave the form blank and click the Search button located top center of the web page.

  4. To view all tickets within a date range, you must supply at least one search criteria and then click the Search button.

  5. Once the results are shown you may click on any ticket to display the ticket information.

    1. To view the map information, click the Map button located below the Ticket Details title.

  6. You may print the ticket by clicking Print button located below the Ticket Details title.

    1. A new tab will open in your browser, then through the browser print the page. Each browser behaves differently so unfortunately, we can not list the exact steps or location of the print functionality in the browser.

  7. To reset the current search, click the Back button that is located at the top left of the page to take you to the search criteria.

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