Ticket Location Size Examples
Ticket Size Examples
1/2 linear mile maximum
Single addresses are exempt
Rule #2 is exempt
Rule #6 is exempt

Single Address
Location Example:
1379 Pico St x/st California Ave

Multiple streets limited to ½ linear mile
Location Example:
Both sides of Olympic Dr from California Ave to Rimpau Ave; Both sides of
Rimpau Ave from California Ave to Sunset Park; Both sides of Sunset Park
From Rimpau Ave to Mount Baldy Ct; Both sides of Mount Baldy Ct from Sunset
Park to Trabucco Park
2 linear mile maximum on freeways or railroad tracks

2 linear miles of freeway
Location example:
S/bound side of 15 freeway from 91 Frwy to Old Temescal Rd
Intermittent locations

Intermitted Locations
Location Example:
Intersection of Olympic Dr and California Ave; S/E corner of Olympic Dr and
Rimpau Ave; Inter of Sunset Park and Rimpau Ave; inter of sunset park and
Mount Baldy Ct; S/W coroner of Mount Baldy Ct and Bighorn Park;
S/W coroner of Mount Baldy Ct and Santiago Park; S/W corner of Mount Baldy
Ct and Trabucco Park
County lines
Tickets will stop at county lines no matter the distance and will be issued a ticket for each county

Location Example:
County = Riverside, City = Corona
Inter of Aldergate Dr and Hellman Ave

Location Example:
County = San Bernardino, City = Chino
Inter of Aldergate Rd and Hellman Ave
Bounded areas
Cannot contain any named public roads
Internal roads, private roads, driveways, trails or other unnamed roads are exempt

½ square mile bounded area, no streets
Location example:
Working in bounded area n/w by January Ct if extended s/w; n/e by Somerdale if
Extended s/e; s/w by approx. ½ mile s/w/of Somerdale; s/e/by approx. ½ mile
s/e/of January ct.
Locations are limited to 1 square mile
Center supervisory staff may allow exemptions to any rule when warranted by the project, location and/or circumstances
All tickets that fall outside of these rules have been pre-approved by supervisory staff
Existing tickets issued prior to the effective date above are grandfathered in and will not be re-done to comply with these rules
Existing tickets where streets were not present when issued but after a map update appear are grandfathered in and will not be re-done to comply with these rules