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Changing Information of Tickets

Released: 1/16/23

Effective: 1/16/23

When using Amendment in DigAlert Direct or when calling in a change to a location. Only the below information can be changed on the ticket. If the change being requested is not on the list below, a new ticket will be required. This is for safety and Electronic Positive Response requirements.

If changing a ticket to an emergency, a NEW emergency ticket must be created for ONLY the area that is an emergency.  Sometimes this area will be the same as the original ticket, sometimes the area may be less than the original area on the existing ticket.

What can be changes on a ticket once issued

Caller phone


Company address

Company city

Company state

Company zip code

Caller email

Caller e-conf

Caller cell

Caller txt-conf

Site contact name

Site contact phone

Site contact email

Site contact e-conf

Site contact txt-conf

Delineation method (A RETURN TRIP ticket ONLY, not Amendment)

Permit number

Work order/job

Work date/time

Direct notify

Anything directed to you from DigAlert personnel

* DigAlert personnel direction is on a case by case basis and should not be confused with policy unless expressly stated.

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